Suddenly managing work + kids from home?

Who ever guessed 2020 was going to drop us into working + schooling our kids from home?

I sure didn't! This was supposed to be my first year not home schooling my kids (after 8 awesome years - 4 of them juggling work + homeschool).

None of us have done this season, with these circumstances before. The good news is, we're all in this together!

For this season, I'm dedicating my newsletter to simple solutions & encouragement to help you find your rhythm with work + school at home, and to thrive in this unexpected life.

This Unexpected Life

Sign up here to get a free Work + School From Home Guide, and weekly encouragement delivered right to your inbox.

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    Tara Cooper

    Writer. Mom. Work + Homeschool Guide

    Who am I?

    I'm Tara, a writer, mom, and former homeschooler. After eight years of homeschooling, half of those balancing work + schooling, I learned a few things. The hard way.

    In this unexpected COVID-19 life, I'm pulling out my toolbox to get our family settled. And I'd love to share my tips with you.

    I can't stop the virus, but I can walk with you in this brand new world.

    What will you get?

    You'll receive a quick-start guide on the 3 keys to getting started.

    1. Space & Supplies
    2. Rhythms & Routine
    3. Expectations & Communication

    Then, until this quarentine passes, you'll get a short email from me each week, with just 3 quick ideas to help you:

    > calm the chaos

    > help your kids continue learning

    > discover moments of delight

    > and help you keep up with work

    It's a new adventure - beautiful, and hard, and lovely all at the same time.

    You won't be in it alone.